16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

As far as the 2030 Agenda is concerned, Goal 16 is devoted to the promotion of peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, the provision of access to justice for all and to the establishment of effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. Goal 17 is related to strengthening the means of implementation and revitalization of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development.

Source: https://sdgs.un.org/topics/institutional-frameworks-and-international-cooperation-sustainable-development

University governance measures

Academic Senate Election

This policy concerns members of the IT PLN Academic senate. The Senate consists of the Rector and Deputy Rector, faculty deans, faculty representatives, and professors.

foto senat itpln

ITPLN Student Union (BEM)

ITPLN memiliki Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa yang menjadi jembatan antara mahasiswa dengan rektorat ITPLN.

Kerjasama dengan Aparat Penegak Hukum dan Keamanan

TPLN has always expand its relations to the stakeholders around the campus area. That includes the Village and Sub-district officers, Police and Army officers, etc.

Penegak Hukum Sinergi dengan ITPLN
Penegak Hukum Sinergi dengan ITPLN

Partisipasi ITPLN dengan Stakeholder sekitar kampus

ITPLN has always expand its relations to the stakeholders around the campus area. That includes the Village and Sub-district officers, Police and Army officers, etc.

Penegak Hukum Sinergi dengan ITPLN
Penegak Hukum Sinergi dengan ITPLN

Komitmen Kampus terhadap Anti Korupsi

ITPLN through its company regulation is against all kinds of crimes (both organized or not), corruption, and bribery. These things are against all of ITPLN’s principles, and the regulations are perfected from time to time. Any kinds of violations and disciplinary actions that come up in the campus area would be treated equally and if then it concerns criminal activities, the campus would immediately contact and coordinated with the police department.

Kebijakan Kebebasan Akademik

IT PLN upholds the norms of academic freedom, academic pulpit and scientific autonomy that allows the academic community to express their thoughts and opinions orally and or in writing in the form of lectures, seminars, discussion lectures, scientific publications, trial exams, and symposiums that do not conflict with norms, rules and regulations, and scientific ethics.

Working with government

SDG 16 in Numbers

Proportion of graduates in law
Number of graduates
Number of total graduates from law and enforcement related courses

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Penegak Hukum Sinergi dengan ITPLN

Sinergi ITPLN dengan Aparat Penegak Hukum dan Keamanan

ITPLN has always expand its relations to the stakeholders around the campus area. That includes the Village and ...




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